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Entry Submitted By

Stanley R. Card

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9 Sure-shot Ways to Get Thicker and Longer Eyelashes

 9 Sure-shot Ways to Get Thicker and Longer EyelashesEyes are the first to be noticed on your face. Big and beautiful eyes make you look like star. No wonder why beautiful ladies desire to grow their eyelashes that adorn their eyes. If you are also particular about the way you look you must be making efforts for the same. Here are the tips to grow eyelashes longer and thicker.

Make use of these 7 ways…but first look at the fact that give you scanty eyelashes.

Why most of the people have lesser eyelashes?

It can be attributed to genetics, age and medical conditions and it could be nutritional deficiency also. Sometimes it could be hormonal changes. Before you follow the tips you should avoid rubbing your eyes and should remove the makeup of your eye before you go to the bed. To grow eyelashes you need to make them healthier. Use these ways to promote their growth.

Make Use of Castor Oil and Coconut Oil:

Like your hair, your eyelashes are made up of a protein called keratin. You need to make use of a mixture of castor and coconut oil and apply this mixture to increase their volume. The long-chain fatty acids of the coconut oil and the follicle stimulating properties of castor oil make your eyelashes grow longer and thicker. Castor oil also fights growth of microbes.

Use Aloe-vera Gel, Vitamin E and Few Drops of Lemon:


Mix aloe-vera gel with the Vitamin E and few drops of lemon juice. Aloe-vera soothes the scalp, its enzymes nourishes the scalp of your eyelashes and help them grow. Vitamin E strengthens and thickens the eyelashes. It helps in the growth and Vitamin C boosts the production of collagen.

Massage Them With Shea Butter Often To Promote Blood Circulation:

Massage your eyelids with shea butter and petroleum jelly to improve the flow of blood to the hair follicles so that more nutrients can reach to the follicle and stimulate its growth. This will prevent the thinning and breakage of your lashes. 
Use The Power of Flavonoids and Caffeine of the Green Tea:

Make your eyelashes denser by applying green tea with cotton swab. The flavonoids of green tea are powerful antioxidants that fight free radicals which may be leading to the fall of your lashes. Apply its extract to accelerate the growth of eyelashes.

Brush Your Eyelashes:

You can brush your eyelashes with comb just like you brush your hair. Try to do this to promote blood circulation to your lashes and make them grow better.

Massage them with Ice-cubes:

This will pull out the dust and grime settled down in the follicle. Close the pores of it and make them firmer. After doing so apply petroleum jelly.

Egg and Honey Help:

Since your eyelashes are protein, they need protein to grow and the protein of egg is best for the growth of eye-lashes. Mix egg white with the organic honey which contains antioxidants and enzymes necessary for the growth of the follicle of your hair. Apply this mixture with the help of a cotton swab and rinse off once it is absorbed and dried.

Do Not Use False Eyelashes:

It is a blunder. In their bid to appear beautiful many people use false eyelashes which make their natural lashes fragile and they begin to fall often. Try to grow the natural ones thicker and do not use the false ones.

Almond Oil is of Real Help:

Massage your eyelashes with Vitamin E rich almond oil. Warm it before applying it. This will make it absorb easily. You can mix a few drops of rose water and Vitamin C also.

Longer eyelashes make the eyes look really pretty and appealing but like you there are so many others that have scanty eyelashes and hence take help of false eyelashes only to make the situation turns worse. Grow eyelashes naturally by giving them a healthy treatment.

Thicker and Longer Eyelashes

in Beauty Tips for Her

by Stanley R. Card

on 18-11-2017 | "Voting Start & End Date "Nov 16, 2017, 7:14 PMJul 17, 2019, 8:14 PM (US/Pacific)

6 Votes
1 Favourite
Media Type: Writing Contest
Category: Fashion & Beauty
