• Stanley R. Card
    Posted August 29, 2018
    “O Come, let us sing for joy to the Lord; Let us shout joyfully to the rock of our salvation. Let us come into his presence with thanksgiving; let us make a joyful noise to him with songs of praise! For the Lord is a great God, and a great King above all gods.”
    0 0 335 God Read More
  • Stanley R. Card
    Posted August 29, 2018
    ord, today I offer You my mind
    May I seek the mind of Christ in all things
    Freed from anxiety and fear
    Filled with wholeness and wellness

    Today I offer You my spirit
    In You I have been born again
    Your Spirit dwells deeply within me
    My Spirit is alive in You
    Freed from depressive thoughts and critical thinking

    Today I offer You my body
    May it be a temple dedicated to You O Lord
    A place for You to live and reign
    May I be mindful of what I eat and drink
    May I be watchful of my sleep and rest

    Lord, right now I offer you my whole being
    I present my mind, spirit and body to You
    Come and take me as a living sacrifice
    This day and everyday
    May I ever glorify and worship You

    0 0 248 Health Read More
  • Stanley R. Card
    Posted August 29, 2018
    Dear Lord,

    Help me not to overwhelm my children with unrealistic expectations.

    Remind me discipline is for their good – and to always administer it in love – not in anger or purely emotion.

    Keep me from dumping my adult problems on them, while helping me be transparent enough for them to learn from my mistakes.

    Help me to remember my children’s current age – and respond to them accordingly.

    Grant me teachable moments and prompt me to use them to impart uncompromising truth into their life.

    Allow me to see my children as the individuals you created them to be and help me encourage them to thrive in your purpose for their life.

    Let them see our home as a safe, fun, welcoming environment.

    Continually remind me time paces quickly and to embrace and enjoy each season.

    Keep building my character so my children have a model to follow.

    Above all – let my children know and experience unconditional love.

    In Jesus name,
    0 0 219 Parenting Read More
  • Stanley R. Card
    Posted August 29, 2018
    God our Father,
    in your wisdom and love you made all things.
    Bless those fathers, who have taken upon themselves
    the responsibility of parenting.
    Bless those who have lost a spouse to death ... or divorce
    who are parenting their children alone.
    Strengthen them by your love that they may become
    the loving, caring persons they are meant to be.
    Grant this through Christ our Lord.
    0 0 308 Relations Read More
  • Stanley R. Card
    Posted August 29, 2018
    Heavenly Father I have fallen in and out of love with so many people and yet in my heart I know that You have created us to love and to be loved, with a deep and lasting love that is a mirror of the depth of love that Christ has for the Church. Father, You have demonstrated to us, through the Lord Jesus Christ, the tremendous depth of love that You desire in each of Your children.. a love that flows from You to us – a love that should flow through us to others.

    Develop in me the depth of love that loves as Christ loved.. and Lord I pray that I may be permitted to share that love with a true and lasting soul-mate. Father I have fallen in and out of love before but I pray that I may develop a new and extraordinary depth of love that comes only through You, so that at the right time You would bring into my life that kindred-sprit and soul-mate, whose love for me is only exceeded by their love of You. I ask this in the name of Jesus Christ, Who loved me, and gave His life for me, in Whose name I pray,
    0 0 206 Relations Read More
  • Stanley R. Card
    Posted August 29, 2018
    Dear Lord, today I turn to you to give you thanks for my mother. With your own gift of life, she bore me in her womb and gave me life. She tenderly, patiently cared for me and taught me to walk and talk. She read to me and made me laugh. No one delighted in my successes more; no one could comfort me better in my failures. I am so grateful for how she mothered me and mentored me, and even disciplined me.

    Please bless her, Lord, and comfort her. Help her loving heart to continue to love and give of herself to others. Strengthen her when she is down and give her hope when she is discouraged.

    Most of all, Lord, on this Mother's Day, give my mother the graces she most needs and desires today. I ask you this, in the name of Jesus, our Lord and Savior forever and ever.
    1 1 215 Relations Read More
  • Stanley R. Card
    Posted August 29, 2018

    O God, our Creator, all life is in your hands from conception until death. Help us to cherish our children and to reverence the awesome privilege of our share in creation. May all people live and die in dignity and love. Bless all those who defend the rights of the unborn, the handicapped and the aged. Enlighten and be merciful toward those who fail to love, and give them peace. Let freedom be tempered by responsibility, integrity and morality.
    0 0 328 Life Read More
  • Stanley R. Card
    Posted August 29, 2018
    In your hands, O Lord,
    we humbly entrust our brothers and sisters.
    In this life you embraced them with your tender love;
    deliver them now from every evil
    and bid them eternal rest.

    The old order has passed away:
    welcome them into paradise,
    where there will be no sorrow, no weeping or pain,
    but fullness of peace and joy
    with your Son and the Holy Spirit
    forever and ever.
    0 0 323 Death Read More
  • Stanley R. Card
    Posted August 28, 2018
    Dear God,
    We pray for all those in our world suffering from racism, sexism and
    religious discrimination.
    For the individuals who are silenced for expressing their beliefs.
    For the people who feel marginalized within society.
    Please help them remain positive despite physical and psychological strife.
    Help them to forgive those who persecute them or who fail to treat them
    with respect.
    Forgive us, Lord, if we consciously or
    unconsciously share in the conditions
    or in a system that perpetuates injustice.
    Please enlighten all Your disciples that discrimination does not only come in
    the form of lowering others but it demonstrates itself in the process of
    granting of privileges
    to select groups of people as well.
    Guide lawmakers and those at the head of government make decisions that
    grant all individuals equal status under the law.
    0 0 276 God Read More
  • Stanley R. Card
    Posted August 28, 2018
    Heavenly Father, please hear my prayer. I seek your help. I thank you for everything that you have given me. I ask that you guide me to where I need to be and put me on the right path. Bring me the right people to help me out in life. Open more doors and opportunities for me, and place me in a health professional program so that I can support my family and myself financially.

    My parents have sacrificed a lot and are paying for my college tuition and I want to give back to them. I continue to ask for your blessings and I pray for a speedy answer. This is ask in your son, Jesus Christ, Amen!

    Please pray strongly.
    0 0 153 Education Read More