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Stanley R. Card

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You know the saying: “Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.” So if you’re trying to make mornings more bearable, a cup of coffee and a stick of gum isn’t going to cut it. “After sleeping all night, our metabolism and blood sugar are at their lowest; we need a healthy breakfast to re-energize us,” says Rebecca Scritchfield, R.D., a Washington D.C. based nutrition and exercise expert specializing in weight management. Her breakfast of champions consists of a protein, a colorful fruit or veggie, and a whole grain (Think: Greek yogurt topped with fresh blueberries topped with granola and chia seeds).

And if you’re a walking zombie without your morning caffeine fix, Scritchfield suggests adding a spill of milk or fortified soymilk (i.e. lattes and café au laits), which spikes your beverage with calcium and protein.

Woman reading newspaper over breakfast

Pile On the Protein

in Morning Tips

by Stanley R. Card

on 17-11-2017 | "Voting Start & End Date "Nov 16, 2017, 2:26 AMOct 25, 2019, 3:26 AM (US/Pacific)

19 Votes
1 Favourite
Media Type: Writing Contest
Category: Health & Food
