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Videos Home » International Conference on Business Integration » Design the New Business - English subtitles
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Design the New Business - English subtitles

Posted January 20, 2016
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Follow us in: Twitter:!/DthenewB @dthenewb Facebook: Design and business can no longer be thought of as distinct activities with individual goals. Design the New Business is a film dedicated to investigating how designers and businesspeople are working together in new ways to solve the wicked problems facing business today. The short documentary examines how they are joining forces by bringing together an international collection of design service providers, education experts and businesses that have incorporated design as a part of their core approach. Design the New Business features inspiring case studies and insightful discussions, helping to illustrate the state of the relationship and how it needs to continue evolving to meet tomorrow's challenges. This film is a Zilver Innovation initiative, and was created by 6 students from the Master in Strategic Product Design at the TU Delft in The Netherlands. Zilver Innovation is now offering workshops that explore this relationship in more depth and the implications for practitioners. For more information, visit our website: Featuring (in alphabetical order): Alexander Osterwalder (Co-Author of Business Model Generation) Aldo de Jong (Co-Founder at ClaroPartners) Amanda O’Donnell ( Head of Customer Experience at Virgin Mobile Australia) Arne van Oosterom (Director & Founder at DesignThinkers) Arno Wolterman (Managing Partner & Design Director at In10) Benjamin Schulz (Service Innovation at Volkswagen) Damian Kernahan (Founding Partner at Proto Partners) Deniz Arik (Associate at ClaroPartners) Erik Roscam Abbing (Director & Founder at Zilver Innovation) Frido Smulders (Coordinator of MSc Strategic Product Design,TU Delft) Guido Stompff (Senior Product Designer at Canon-Océ Technologies) Jacco Ouwerkerk (Creative at In10) Jan Buijs (Assistant Professor at TU Delft) Joe Heapy (Co-Founder & Co-Director at Engine) Lukas Golyszny (Service Innovation at Volkswagen) Maria Bezaitis (Director of Intel's People and Practices Research Group) Megan Ellis (Associate at ClaroPartners) Oliver King (Co-Founder & Co-Director at Engine) Ralf Beuker (Dean at Munster Design School) Rich Radka (Co-Founder at ClaroPartners) Ton Borsboom (Senior Director for new Business at Philips Design) Willem Boijens (Head of R&D at Canon-Océ Technologies)
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