Posted August 28, 2018 | 0 likes 0 comments 133 views | Feeling
Loving Lord I confess that there is much bitterness and anger in my heart and I come to You knowing that there is nothing that I can do to rid myself of this suffocating handicap in my life.
Search me within Lord and expose all that is not pleasing in Your sight and help me to find a closure to the deep rooted anger which seems to be rooted in a deep-seated unforgiveness.
Forgive me Lord for the pain for I know my anger has hurt so many people – yet I realise that my sin of anger is directed against You and it is against You alone that I have sinned in this way.
Also I pray that You will create in me a forgiving heart towards all those that have hurt me so deeply. And knowing that the Lord Jesus forgave me so many sins, I confess that I too should forgive others – just as God for Christ’s sake forgave me all my sin.
Thank You that in You I have victory against all my sin, including my anger – for in Christ the power of sin has been broken in my life because I trust in His name -
Thank You Lord –I trust You to take away all the anger within me and fill me with Your perfect peace- for You have promised to keep all in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on YOU
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