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Videos Home » International Open Marathon Championship » Red Bull 400: The hardest 400m Run in Europe
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Red Bull 400: The hardest 400m Run in Europe

Posted January 19, 2016
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On a beautiful and sunny Saturday, 164 runners from 9 countries competed against each other trying to conquer the famous ski jump in Planica. The hardest 400 m run was won by the Turk Arslan Ahmet in the men category (5:02:53), and by the Austrian Teresa Stadlober in the women category (6:46:44). The best Slovene runners were Petra Mikloša and her brother Matjaž, both placed second.

V lepem vremenu, sprva tudi na toplem soncu, se je v Planici 156 tekačev in tekačič iz 9 držav pomerilo v osvajanju velikanke. Najtežji tek na 400 metrov je med moškimi dobil Turek Arslan Ahmet, pri ženskah pa Avstrijka Teresa Stadlober. Najboljša Slovenca sta bila Petra Mikloša pri dekletih in njen brat Matjaž pri fantih, oba na drugem mestu. Tek je potekal po slavni smučarski letalnici navkreber, od dna doskočišča, pa vse do vrha zaleta.

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